On the first of August, Ruby decides to fight me when I attempt to halter her. Maybe, she is just…
Ruby has her hooves trimmed for the first time. Certainly not a lot, but she hardly fusses when Bill,…
I’ve done some reading and, by June 11, I decide that Ruby has what is called the nine day scours.…
As May draws to a close, people are still coming to meet our new arrival. My good friend, Judy,…
Ruby investigates the Lilac bush. And, the trees in the yard. We let them graze on the lawn near the…
During the foal check, Doc Jim says, “My, she is feisty – even if she were a colt!” I have…
I give Ruby a body massage until she relaxes to my touch. Gary helps as we inure her to…
On May 13, Gary and I spend the day caring for an adult grandson who has had minor surgery. Arriving…
Watching the size of Zena’s udder, I am expecting her to foal on Friday, May 15. Gary and Crystal help…
My mind returns to the issue of fencing. I have old and now unused electric wire along my top boards…